Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program taking applications – News-Daily.com
Energy Disrupter

JONESBORO — The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program is now accepting applications from residents ages 65 older and medically homebound.
The program assists low-income elderly and disabled residents with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers of up to $500.
The program will open on Dec. 1 for all other eligible residents. Funds will be administered to Clayton County residents through the Clayton County Community Services Authority on a first-come, first-serve basis.
To qualify, a family’s annual income must be less than or equal to 60% of the median income for a Georgia family. For a household of one, the income threshold is $26,474; the income threshold for a household of five is $59,057.
All applicants must provide the following:
• Most recent energy bill or statement of service from their service providers;
• Social Security numbers for each member of the household;
• Proof of Citizenship for each member of the household;
• Proof of Income for the last 30 days for each adult member of the household;
• Proof of Income can include, but is not limited to, a paycheck stub or a letter granting public assistance, and,
• Social Security or unemployment benefits for all household members, if applicable.
For more information or to apply, visit www.claytoncountycsa.org/liheap or call 404-363-0575.
Original Source: https://www.news-daily.com/news/low-income-home-energy-assistance-program-taking-applications/article_c86dd644-3b35-11ec-b0b0-03bd0ec01da6.html