Drilling start imminent at Cisolok geothermal working area
Energy Disrupter
With necessary permits in place and equipment on site, the start of exploration drilling at the Cisolok-Cisukarame geothermal working area is about to start.
As reported today locally, Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said the exploration drilling program for the Cisolok-Cisukarame geothermal power plant (PLTP) is ready to start.
All requirements for exploration activities have been met. The Head of the Center for Mineral, Coal and Geothermal Resources at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Iman Sinulingga, said that the Cisolok-Cisukarame prospect is one of the quick wins for the geothermal exploration program.
“The potential of the Cisolok-Cisukarame geothermal resource is estimated at 45 MW, with a PLTP development plan of 20 MW,” he said as quoted in an official statement.
Iman explained that before the drilling of the Cisolok-Cisukarame prospect exploration well began, his party had prepared Environmental Management Efforts (UKL) documents, Environmental Monitoring Efforts (UPL), and obtained environmental approval from the Sukabumi Regency Government.
In addition, his party has also obtained a permit for the use and utilization of surface water from the West Java Government, and an approval for the Utilization of Geothermal Environmental Services (PJLPB) from the Minister of Environment and Forestry.
Meanwhile, in Law Number 21/2014 concerning Geothermal and Law Number 11/2021 concerning Job Creation, it is stated that geothermal development activities which include exploration, exploitation and production operations within conservation areas, including national parks can be carried out in utilization zones. through the mechanism for utilizing geothermal environmental services.
“In fulfilling the requirements for implementing geothermal exploration in forest areas, environmental documents in the form of UKL-UPL have also been prepared by taking into account the initial baseline and aspects of environmental management, referring to regulations in the field of Environment and Forestry,” he explained.
In an effort to provide electricity for the welfare of the community, including the use of geothermal energy in National Parks, the government also continues to pay attention to the preservation of conservation areas. “Geothermal exploration activities in the Cisolok-Cisukarame prospect, which are partly located in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park, are one of the breakthroughs in providing clean energy to meet community needs while still synergizing with area management,” he explained.
Source: Bisnis.com