Pre-trenching completed for Saint-Brieuc inter-array cables

Energy Disrupter

Wind energy – Saint-Brieuc

Ailes Marines announces the end of the pre-trenching campaign for inter-array cables for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm off the coast of France.

Works were completed by Prysmian using vessel Aethra.

The Aethra left the site after the completion of work on 14 August, nearly five weeks ahead of schedule. The vessel was also able to carry out preparatory operations concerning the 2022 sequence of works, also located in the part North. It will be back at the site in 2022 for the resumption of the second work campaign.

Drilling works still continue in the northern area of ​​the park.

In order to allow fishing activities in the park, Ailes Marines has set itself an objective ambitious to bury up to 100% of the wind turbine cables (90 km of cables) in the farm, under conditions of the many technical constraints. This goal follows many exchanges with the CDPMEM22, the Maritime Prefecture and the Côtes-d’Armor Prefecture. The plan cabling was validated by the Côtes-d´Armor prefect and the maritime prefect on March 24, 2021 in order to guarantee maximum maritime safety for future users of the farm’s sea.

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