Small, yet growing contribution of geothermal to electricity in Chile
Energy Disrupter
While small and only one operating plant, geothermal still contributed around 0.5% of electricity generated in Chile in June of this year. With further work on the sector, there is hope this can grow.
In a report by Uruguayan energy consultancy SEG Ingeniería, geothermal energy has reached a new high in its contribution to electricity generated in Chile in the June of this year.
Geothermal energy accounted for 0.42% of generation in Chile during June, as reported by BN Americas. The overall production was 28.8 GWh, the second highest ever monthly production of electricity from geothermal energy.
Thermal plants remain the largest source of electricity and produced 2,964 GWh in June 2021, followed by hydro power plants with 1,668 GWh, solar with 592 GWh, and wind with 530 GWh.
At the moment, there is only one geothermal power plant operating in Chile. The 48 MW Cerro Pabellón plant in the Atacama desert was developed by Italian energy company Enel in partnership with the Chilean state oil company Enap. The plant operates with two unit and a third unit is currently under construction. The expansion is to add 33 MW and has been said to come online in 2021, as we reported in 2020.
While a large run for geothermal licenses around 2009 and 2010 with large tender rounds was promising, things have turned somewhat quiet. Apart from the Cerro Pabellon there are 7 additional geothermal concessions in force under the Geothermal Concessions Law.
As of June, and according to the National Energy Commission (CNE), so BNA Americas, there are three by Geotérmica del Norte (joint venture by Enel and ENAP), and individual licenses held by Enerco, one by Doña Inés de Collahuasi; one by Companía de Energía; one by Transmark Chile and the last by Energía Andina.
The latest information available on the Cadastre of geothermal concessions of SernaGeomin in Chile, lists 12 concessions for exploitation and 19 for exploration.
According to our own reporting, there are three ongoing projects. The Mariposa geothermal project by EDC, the Peumayen by Transmark Renewables and the expansion work at the operating Cerro Pabellon plan by Geotermica del Norte.
Source: BNA Americas