TPI to take over Nordex’s wind blade factory in Mexico

Energy Disrupter

Nordex has reached an agreement to transfer operation of its Mexican rotor blade production in Tamaulipas to TPI Composites for three years.

The deal begins this month (July 2021) and will last for three years, although this period could be extended by mutual agreement.

Blade manufacturer TPI will take over the approximately 1,500 employees of the factory to ensure production continuity

The facility in Matamoros, in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas, produces rotor blades for its Delta4000 platform of 4MW-plus turbines and mainly serves markets in the Americas. This will not change following the TPI takeover.

A Nordex spokeswoman explained the TPI takeover means Nordex can secure the supply of rotor blades for a fixed price and benefit from economies of scale and from working with a “leading expert” in blade production.

The agreement also increases the flexibility of Nordex’s supply chain for key components, she said.

Nordex CEO José Luis Blanco added: “This partnership allows us to safeguard our profitable growth in the coming years and to capture further market opportunities by securing fast deliveries and high delivery reliability for our US customers in particular. 

“This enables us to focus our resources on our other worldwide strategic ramp-up activities.”