Ocean Winds plans Canary Islands floating offshore wind

Energy Disrupter

EDP Renewables and Engie’s Ocean Winds is working with renewables developer Disa Group to build offshore wind farms off the Canary Islands.

The projects would mainly focus on floating offshore wind projects due to the depths of  the waters off the Canary Islands, they explained.

Ocean Winds and Disa claim their projects would help reduce the cost of electricity generation on the islands.

The developers would not confirm how much capacity they are planning to develop. They currently do not have a preferred floating platform for the projects.

Construction could start as soon as 2022, but a final project timeline – including a commissioning date – would be dependent on Spain approving its new. framework for offshore wind development, an Ocean Winds spokesman told Windpower Monthly.

They claim their projects could create up to 3,700 direct and indirect jobs in shipyards, auxiliary workshops, ports and other service industries.

The partners also stated that their projects would help Spain meet its renewable energy targets, which will be especially difficult in the Canary Islands.

Spain aims to double the share of renewable energy in its final energy consumption to 42% by 2030. In 2019, renewables accounted for 4% of electricity consumed in the Canary Islands.

Iberdrola and EnerOcean are also developing separate floating offshore wind farms off the Canary Islands.

Ocean Winds has experience in floating offshore wind, having developed the 25MW WindFloat Atlantic WindFloat Atlantic (25MW) Offshoreoff Viana do Castelo, Portugal, Europe Click to see full details project off neighbouring Portugal.