Summer Crisis Program underway | News, Sports, Jobs – Martins Ferry Times Leader
Energy Disrupter

CADIZ — The Ohio Development Services Agency and Harcatus Tri-County Community Action Organization will help income-eligible Ohioans stay cool during the hot summer months through the Home Energy Assistance Summer Crisis Program.
The program provides eligible Ohioans assistance paying an electric bill or assistance paying for central air conditioning repairs. It runs from July 1 until Sept. 30.
Clients need to provide copies of the following documents prior to their phone appointment:
∫ Copies of their most recent energy bills;
∫ A list of all household members and proof of income for the last 30 days or 12 months for each member;
∫ Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency for all household members;
∫ Proof of disability (if applicable);
∫ Physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a household member’s health (if there isn’t a household member over the age of 60).
Last year, more than 514 families in Harrison, Carroll and Tuscarawas counties were assisted through the program.
“Our staff members are amazing. Applications are already being completed and processed for the 2021 Summer Crisis Program, thanks to the referrals from area partners and returning residents. This year’s program allows households to receive assistance with a payment toward their electric services, central air conditioning repairs, and window air conditioner and/or fan purchase,” said JoEllen Sanders, Harcatus Community Service Director.
The Summer Crisis Program assists low-income households who meet one of the following qualifications — older household member (60 or older), that can provide physician documentation that cooling assistance is needed for a household member’s health, have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have a disconnect notice, have been shut off, are trying to establish new service on their electric bill or require air conditioning. Conditions can include such things as lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or asthma.
For more information about the features of the program, contact one of the following Harcatus Community Services County offices: Harrison County at 740-942-8886, Carroll County at 330-627-4101; or Tuscarawas County at 330-343-8770. Harcatus offices are still not open to the public and have secure outdoor drop-box services.
To be connected to your local Energy Assistance provider call 800-282-0880, hearing impaired clients may dial 711 for assistance or visit
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