Global Ambassadors Post: High school student wins prize in Japan for wind power presentation

Energy Disrupter

This month, the Japan Wind Power Association (JWPA) made a courtesy visit to Ms. Haruna Takami. She won the first prize at the 6th International Symposium for High School Students held on 25 March 2021 for a poster presentation on the stability of barge type floating offshore wind turbine generator system.

Takami is a second-year high school student at Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior & Senior High School in Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture now, and continues to study barge floats in class assignments and after-school science club activities.

She is interested in buoyancy from her child days. She was impressed by the floating wind turbine photo at a newspaper and found the article about it on the NEDO website. In the summer holidays of her second year in junior high school, she conducted a study tour to see the NEDO’s floating wind turbine at the Global Wind Day 2018 event in Kitakyushu, 850 km west from her home.

The JWPA and the Japan Wind Energy Association (JWEA) support students involved in wind power. Ms. Takami is to be supported by the JWPA through research consultations. From the perspective of Ms. Michiyo Uehara, Ambassador for Women in Wind in Japan, it is a great achievement that a high school girl has won this award through her research in wind power.

The visit with Ms. Takami (center in the image above) was made by Ms. Michiyo Uehara, Japan Ambassador for Women in Wind (right in the image above), Ms. Komai, JWEA (left in the image above), Mr. Kurimoto, JWPA, and Mr. Ueda, JWPA & JWEA.