GeoTief project – seeking geothermal heat beneath Vienna, Austria
Energy Disrupter
The GeoTief project in Vienna/ Austria, a collaboration of local utility Wien Energie and partners, is exploring the potential of geothermal district heating.
The city of Vienna in Austria is continuing exploring the potential of utilising geothermal energy for its district heating needs. A recent video (in German) published by Wien Energie, the local utility, introduces the project GeoTief. We previously reported on the project.
The GeoTief Wien project is a research project of the utility with AIT, the Federal Geological Agency of Austria, Geo5, Heimenann Oil (HOL), Montan University Leopen, OMV, RAG Austria, the University of Vienna, the University of Salzburg, and the Central Institute for Meteorology.
The essential core of the project is the implementation of seismic measurements in two phases. The so-called 2D seismic measurement in February / March 2017 and, based on this, the area-wide 3D seismic measurement in October / November 2018. The measurements took place exclusively on the earth’s surface. Following the measurements, the data are geophysically processed and geologically interpreted. Together with existing geological data, they are used to create a 3D model of the Vienna underground.
However, it is not just the detailed exploration of the geology that takes place. In accompanying research work, all aspects that are relevant for the utilization of geothermal energy are to be examined. We then know whether there is potential for green heat from geothermal energy in the eastern part of Vienna and can use this database to decide whether future investments in geothermal energy make sense strategically, financially and in terms of the sustainable heat supply in Vienna.
As part of the project, Wien Energie had set up 16,000 sensors and several trucks have been collecting data with a seismic study.
The 3D seismic measurements were successfully completed in December 2018. All of the data from the measurements will be scientifically evaluated in a two-year analysis phase and presented in 2021.
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Geotief: Auf der Suche nach Hitzequellen unter Wien from Wien Energie GmbH on Vimeo.