SPT Offshore secured contracts in China worth more than 10 million euros
Energy Disrupter
SPT Offshore (SPT) from Woerden, the Netherlands, is one of the few international players who managed to win the trust of Chinese clients.
The company is specialised in suction pile foundations and ‘Self Installing Platforms’ (SIPs) for the development of marginal oil and gas fields and offshore wind farms. An important feature of SIP and suction pile jackets (SPJ) is that impact pile driving is not required, and that the handling of heavy, costly, and sensitive pile driving hammers is avoided.
In July last year, SPT signed a contract with the Chinese engineering and construction company Yongfu Power Engineering for both the suction pile jacket design and suction installation services. It concerns the Fujian Waihai Offshore Wind Farm project.
The Fujian Changle Waihai Area C developed by the Fujian Energy Group, consists of 57 suction pile jackets supporting 10MW Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs).
Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2021/03/19/spt-offshore-secured-contracts-in-china-worth-more-than-10-million-euros/