5 Simple Tasks You Can Try TODAY For Greener Living

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Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Changing our routine habits is incredibly challenging. We all know that there are steps that we could take each and every day to ensure our footprint on the environment is lighter and to live more sustainably. In this article, we will tell you about five simple tasks that you can accomplish today for greener living.

Buy Nothing

Our first task is the easiest of all: don’t buy anything. Start with just one day where you don’t purchase anything whatsoever. This means no takeaway coffee, no groceries, no gas, no trips to the salon, no online retail therapy. We truly mean nothing. This will give you a bit of time to reflect on whether your purchases are necessary. People often forget that the first order of business in the “reduce, reuse, recycle” slogan is to reduce our consumerist lifestyle.

Try Borrowing

Clicking “add to cart” instead of asking a friend for help is far too easy. Rather than feeling like a frugal friend, think about the environmental impact of your purchases. We all know that libraries are available for borrowing books. However, many people aren’t aware that some libraries also loan out e-books, CDs, DVDs, toys, musical instruments, power tools, and even artwork. This can save you a fortune and ensure you have the latest of everything when you need it.

Clean Your Fridge

Have you bought grocery items only to realize that you already have two or three jars in the fridge? A messy and disorganized fridge leads to forgetting what you have available and inevitably to food waste. It becomes more straightforward to know what you have and what should be eaten first by reorganizing your fridge. You can even designate a place for leftovers and rotate items that need to be consumed as soon as possible. Setting the correct temperature for your fridge will also help. All of this means fewer trips to the grocery store and more money in your wallet, not to mention reducing food waste. It’s a win-win-win!

Rethink Your Beauty Routine

Most homes keep their recycling bin in the kitchen, and it’s easy to forget about all of the waste that is either recyclable or compostable in the bathroom. Simply putting a recycling bin in your bathrooms will remind you to always think about your impact. Checking to see which beauty products have Earth-friendly packaging would be the natural next step.

Get Your Pets Involved

Even our pets have an environmental impact on the environment. It is up to you as the owner to choose a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle for your pampered pooch. This includes prioritizing holistic dog food and using eco-conscious pet shampoos. You can make some pretty funky and durable dog beds out of old tires and some ingenuity.

Image by Stefan Glazer from Pixabay

Making simple, conscious choices for greener living will likely make you feel better, save you money, and assist the environment in the process. Even the best eco-warrior isn’t perfect. However, whether you tick off one of these tasks today or manage all of them, your actions will positively impact the world around you.

This article is supported by Earthborn Holistic Pet Food

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