Economy Waste Services 🏦

Energy Disrupter

Economy Waste Services 🏦: If you have found this blog, you are certainly looking for ways to save money with economy waste services for your business. We can certainly help you with that. Moreover, we will describe how our business model lets us make profits whilst helping you cut costs and boosting profit.

We covered in a previous blog post (budget waste management) why a low-cost waste service does not have to mean a low-quality one. Waster provides a very high-quality service to our small and medium customer bases here in Australia. So, you do not need to worry about saving money that may actually lead to countless headaches!

At Waster, we were founded to help small businesses just like you. We know what is important to you in economy waste services – from attentive customer service, simple invoicing, understandable terms and conditions and no hidden extras.

Why choose Waster?

Waster is designed for small and medium Aussie companies.

We previously worked at the big multinationals in industrial waste removal and knew how small customers got a raw deal.

Our business model provides all the economy waste and recycling services that a small or medium business could need – all on flexible waste contracts. So, you do not need to worry about rollover clauses or lock-in contracts!

See our blog on confidential paper bin services.

Also, check out your bin options below and see how much you can save:

Economy waste services: how our services can help you save money!

Before we explain how we can save you money through our economy waste services, we should explain how we actually make money!

Waster does not operate landfills as we are unlike other waste companies who own big wholes in the ground. We have no financial incentive in dumping at landfills. Think of us as a waste broker, instead!

By not dumping at a landfill, you save money as you avoid landfill gate rates a.k.a the ever-increasing fee per tonne that is dumped. And also, you have to think about the ever-increasing landfill levy: the tax imposed by State Governments to supposedly incentivise recycling.

The combination of the gate rate and the landfill levy means that in Sydney, you can pay up to $300 per tonne just to dump, not even paying for the truck to collect and transport the rubbish.

Economy waste services save money

Economy waste services save money

Waster does not profit by dumping and hence we profit just as much from recycling bins.

Knowing our services

When we offer our services, we definitely think about our customers’ needs above anything else. And, aside from the relatively cheap economy waste bin services Waster provides, the customers laud Waster for high-quality services themselves!

Now, new readers (potential customers in our eyes) may not yet know our various offered services to small and medium businesses in Australia. So, Waster will enumerate them one by one.

Cardboard and paper recycling

waste management melbourne cardboard bin

waste management melbourne cardboard bin

This is a very important economy waste management service to avail if your business produces a significant amount of paper and cardboard waste. But, you can still get this even if you do not produce a significant amount of cardboard and paper waste to help in the environment’s sustainability.

With this, you not only reduce your costs but you also help sustain the environment, as well as cleaning up your work premises.

Depending on your waste generated, you can avail Waster’s 240 litre, 660 litre, and 1,100 litre rear lift bin services (recommended for smaller businesses that produce a fair amount of cardboard and paper waster).

Additionally, you can also avail Waster’s 1.5 cubic-metre, 3.0 cubic-metre, and 4.5 cubic-metre front lift bin services for waste removal, which are recommended for bigger businesses needing bigger bins.

Commingled recycling service

waste management launceston - commingled recycling

waste management launceston - commingled recycling

Our economy waste management and recycling services also include much-needed commingled recycling.

In fact, you can put all your bottles, cans, and drink containers waste here! They will be sorted out once collected and given a new life, therefore sustaining the environment.

Also, recycling bins can also help you in saving costs! Know that the heavier your general waste bin, the more costly it is. Correspondingly, recycling bins help you reduce that!

These are the different sizes you can purchase, depending on your business’s generated waste:

  • 240-litre commingled service
  • 660-litre commingled service
  • 1,100-litre commingled service

Confidential paper destruction

Confidential Paper shredding 240 litre bin service bin destruction

Confidential Paper shredding 240 litre bin service bin destruction

There are some papers or documents that your business needs to get rid of but cannot do so easily due to the information contained in them being sensitive data.

In saying this, Waster offers businesses the best economy waste management service solution for this: confidential paper destruction.

Waster offers two standard confidential paper bin sizes, along with a high-quality service:

  • 240-litre confidential paper bin
  • one-off service (120-litre) or the standard 240-litre

General waste

Waste bin collection 2020 australia

Waste bin collection 2020 australia

Anything that is considered non-recyclable and hazardous can often be put in the general waste bin. Along with the commingled recycling bin service, businesses also need this waste collection service to dispose of their trash properly.

Like in Waster’s other economy waste management services, the bins come in different sizes (depending on how big the business is).

For the smaller, rear lift bins:

  • 240-litre general waste bin service
  • 660-litre general waste bin service
  • 1,100-litre general waste bin service

For the bigger, front lift bins:

  • 1.5 cubic metre general waste bin service
  • 3.0 cubic metre general waste bin service
  • 4.5 cubic metre general waste bin service

Grease trap liquid service

Grease Trap Liquid Service

Grease Trap Liquid Service

Restaurants or cafes must be careful and check their equipment and ensure that they maintain cleanliness and hygiene in their workplace. The grease trap, especially, can get dirty when neglected. But, some businesses simply do not have the means and time to clean their grease trap, which can lead to problems arising if left uncleaned.

So, what businesses can do is avail a grease trap cleaning service. Waster offers that as well!

Medical waste service

clinical waste bin sizes for Ipswich waste services

clinical waste bin sizes for Ipswich waste services

As they always say, β€œHealth is wealth”. But, along with the healthcare facilities that treat the sick and injured, also comes the waste generated.

Furthermore, hospitals, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities produce contaminated, biomedical waste, as well as harmful chemicals that can compromise the health and safety of humans, plants, animals, and the environment as a whole.

As a result, proper waste management is especially required in the healthcare sector due to the reasons stated above. Waster also offers medical bin services for health businesses that need proper waste management in their facilities.

Waster offers the bin service in two standard sizes:

  • 120-litre medical bin service
  • 240-litre medical bin service

Organic Waste Service

Organic waste-120-litre-bin-service-image: budget waste management service

Organic waste-120-litre-bin-service-image: budget waste management service

Basing from what I have stated above in the grease trap liquid service, food and drinks businesses will also be full of food waste.

Some businesses resort to putting food waste in the general waste bin, which Waster does not recommend. This is because general waste bins are charged based on the weight of the bin upon the pickup schedule. So, if your bin is heavy, you will be charged more.

The best thing to do here is to purchase an economy organic waste bin service to β€œrecycle” your food waste. In other words, your food waste will be turned into compost or energy to prevent it from going into a landfill.

Waster offers one standard bin size service for organic waste: 120-litre organic waste bin service.

TerraCycle Recycling Boxes

Terracycle Zero Waste Boxes

Terracycle Zero Waste Boxes

To help you fight off waste better, we have also teamed up with TerraCycle to bring businesses the Zero Waste Box.

TerraCycle offers recycling programs for waste deemed β€œunrecyclable”. Notably, what the term β€œunrecyclable” means is that this type of waste

You can choose from many options such as TerraCycle zero-waste boxes for:

  • Beards and Hairnets
  • Beauty Products
  • Binders and Folders
  • Breakroom Waste
  • Cigarette Waste
  • Coffee Capsules
  • Disposable Gloves
  • Mailroom Supplies
  • Media Storage
  • Office Supplies
  • Pens, Pencils, and Markers
  • Safety Equipment/Protective Gear
  • Snack Wrappers
  • Straws
  • Toys

Additionally, we have included more TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes which includes:

  • Oral Care Waste And Packaging
  • Laminated Paper Packaging
  • Art Supplies
  • Centrifuge Tubes And Rigid Lab Plastics
  • Fabrics And Clothing
  • Bottle Caps
  • Disposable Masks
  • Plastic Packaging
  • All-In-One
  • Kitchen Separation

How you can save money by recycling

Recycling bins such as cardboard or commingled bins are significantly cheaper than general waste.

This means that if you can divert rubbish to recycling like putting your bottles, cans, cardboard, organic waste etc in recycling bins, then you can reduce your waste bin. This is what we mean by economy waste services.

One way to think about it is to see dollars in your bin every time your general waste bin is collected.

Conclusion on economy waste services

With Waster, you can save money, boost your recycling, and get regular and reliable services!

Again, knowing where your waste goes and how recycling can save you money is vital for all businesses at any given time!

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