Webinar – Geo-Energy Operations: Opportunities & Challenges, Dec. 16, 2020

Energy Disrupter

Webinar – Geo-Energy Operations: Opportunities & Challenges, Dec. 16, 2020 TWI Webinar promotion banner

The half-day webinar event on “Geo-Energy Operations – opportunities and challenges” by TWI Ltd. on December 16, 2020, features an interesting program and great line up of speakers.

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As part of a wider involvement on European research projects, among them  S4CEGEO-SMARTGEO-PROGEO-HEXGEO-DRILLGEO-COAT, UK-based TWI is inviting to a half day webinar – “Geo-Energy Operations: Opportunities and Challenges” on December 16, 2020 9:00 to 12:30 (GMT?).
The event will gather experts from the geothermal sector presenting on the topics below:

Geo-Energy Operations

  • Geothermal Energy (Present/Future, Covid-19 impact, etc.)

Environmental Risks and Prevention

  • Geothermal Sustainability Assessment Protocol: A Way Forward
  • Best Practice Procedures for Sub-Surface Geo-Energy Operations
  • Reservoir Stimulation and Induced Seismicity
  • Is the Risk of Felt Induced Seismicity within a Hydrothermal Project Really Manageable? Insights and Conclusions from the Project Owner’s Point of View
  • Evaluation of the Environmental Footprint of Subsurface Geo-Energy Exploration and Exploitation through LCA and MRA

Solutions and Mitigation for Geothermal Applications

  • Demonstration of the LCA Software against Field Data
  • Comparative Assessment of Well Casing Monitoring
  • An overview of geothermal activities at TWI

Download the latest programme here


  • Marit Brommer, Executive Director, IGA
  • Adrian Jones, Professor of Petrology, University College London
  • Paolo Capuano, Professor of Geophysics, the University of Salerno, Italy
  • Ryan Law, Managing Director, Geothermal Engineering Ltd.
  • Thomas Block, Head of Project Management Office, St. Galler Stadtwerke
  • Natalia Garban, Project Leader, TWI Ltd.
  • Chris Punshon, Industry Group Manager Power, Equipment and Infrastructure, TWI Ltd.
  • John Blackburn, Group Manager – Materials and Structural Integrity, TWI Ltd.
  • Vipin Pillai, Senior Project Leader, TWI Ltd.

More details via TWI