Recycling Services ♻️
Energy Disrupter
Recycling Services ♻️: At Waster, we always seek to help customers reduce their waste bill by recycling more. In Sydney, where the landfill levy is so expensive, recycling is nearly always a great way to save money for your business. Of course, this can also be appropriate for households, also, who seek to get rid of some rubbish but do the right thing by the environment.
For example, one of the most common calls we receive at Waster is when households have cardboard boxes they need to have removed (i.e., after a house move or if they have bought some large items such as lots of furniture). In this case, the easiest way to get rid of the cardboard is to take it to a council waste site. They will nearly always take the cardboard for free.
>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Commingled Recycling Bin Services
Waster provides all bin collections and recycling services to small and medium Australian companies. You can arrange all your waste bins and recycling services such as cardboard, commingled recycling (bottles and cans), etc. through our website and enjoy leading customer service. Simply click on the button below and get started:
Useful resources for recycling services in Australia
In today’s blog, we wanted to draw our readers attention to some useful recycling forums and resources that you can use as a business or as a household to get good information and find the services you need:
First up is Planet Ark. This Australian non-profit organisation provides great information and access to resources for Australian commercial and private individuals. You can find all the information you need regarding services across a wide range of waste streams.
They also provide useful information telling where you can recycle near you. See the link here. is an online forum for Aussies to enable recycling of useful items – that otherwise would end up in a landfill. You can find some great and valuable stuff here. Their website mentions: “These items have included pianos, cars, books, televisions, dolls, stamp collections, sewing machines, wedding dresses, building materials, windows, artwork, antique furniture, fridges, stoves, tents, dog kennels printers, computers, used DVD discs and cassette tapes, fish tanks, musical instruments, and a whole lot more.”
For another organisation like that, check out Freecycle – “it is made up of 5,313 groups with 9,146,138 members around the world, and next door to you. It’s a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and neighbourhoods.”
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Waster offers these services!
You have to admit that recycling without professional help is difficult, to say the least. Furthermore, you, as a business, already have a lot on your plate when it comes to operations.
Waster can handle your recyclables for you. Here, we list our available recycling services you can avail:
Cardboard and Paper Recycling
This is a very important recycling service to avail if your business generates a tonne of paper and cardboard. But, you can still get this even if you do not produce a significant amount of cardboard and paper waste.
With this, you not only reduce your costs but you also help sustain the environment, as well as cleaning up your work premises.
Depending on your waste generated, you can avail Waster’s 240 litre, 660 litre, and 1,100 litre rear lift bin services (recommended for smaller businesses that produce a fair amount of cardboard and paper waster).
Additionally, you can also avail Waster’s 1.5 cubic-metre, 3.0 cubic-metre, and 4.5 cubic-metre front lift bin services. We here at Waster recommend purchasing these front lift bins if you have a medium-to-bigger business.
Commingled Recycle Service
Our waste management and recycling services in Launceston also include the much-needed commingled recycling. In fact, you can put all your bottles, cans, and drink containers waste here! They will be sorted out once collected and given a new life, therefore sustaining the environment.
These are the different sizes you can purchase, depending on your business’s generated waste:
- 240-litre commingled service
- 660-litre commingled service
- 1,100-litre commingled service
TerraCycle Recycling Boxes
To help you fight off waste better, we have also teamed up with TerraCycle to bring Launceston businesses the Zero Waste Box.
TerraCycle offers recycling programs for waste deemed “unrecyclable”. What the term “unrecyclable” means is that this type of waste
You can choose from many options such as TerraCycle zero-waste boxes for:
- Beards and Hairnets
- Beauty Products
- Binders and Folders
- Breakroom Waste
- Cigarette Waste
- Coffee Capsules
- Disposable Gloves
- Mailroom Supplies
- Media Storage
- Office Supplies
- Pens, Pencils, and Markers
- Safety Equipment/Protective Gear
- Snack Wrappers
- Straws
- Toys
Recently, we have added more TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes which includes:
- Oral Care Waste And Packaging
- Laminated Paper Packaging
- Art Supplies
- Centrifuge Tubes And Rigid Lab Plastics
- Fabrics And Clothing
- Bottle Caps
- Disposable Masks
- Plastic Packaging
- All-In-One
- Kitchen Separation
Why you should pick Waster
Here are reasons you should partner with Waster for your waste management and recycling services needs:
- You pay exactly what you asked for – and not a dollar more! For your waste management and recycling needs for, avail our flexible, 30-day contracts instead of those long, unproductive, and hidden fee-containing lock-in contracts.
- Designed for small and medium businesses – we help you reduce cost while boosting recycling. That’s a win-win situation!
- On-time and reliable – we provide fully-accredited logistics and facility operators. By saying so, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our services.
Additionally, in the waste management industry, problems are bound to rise – like in any other businesses. If such problems arise in regards to our service, you can talk to our friendly customer service team!
Our other waste management services
Aside from our commercial recycling services, we also provide other waste services. These include services like confidential paper destruction, general waste, grease trap cleaning service, medical bin services, and organic waste bin service.
Insights on our recycling services
There are some great options out there businesses can choose from. Some will really help you save money – and maybe help you furnish your house too!