Kitchen Recycling Bins πŸ›

Energy Disrupter

Kitchen Recycling Bins πŸ›: Three things come to mind when thinking about your basic needs. Of course, these are food, shelter, and clothing. When I have to compare the three and rank them based on their importance, I would argue with food being first, then clothing and shelter being second and third, respectively.

It really is that important. You can think of it as fuel, while you as the vehicle. You will not function well at all with the lack of food. That is why food is at the top of my list. In saying this, I’m not too impressed with people wasting food. I have heard some friends buy too much food and just chuck the β€œexcess and unneeded” down the rubbish, which I find simply unacceptable.

>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Commingled Recycling Bin Services

The least you could do if you buy excess food is to try to recycle or compost, if possible. BUT, what about the non-organic stuff which involves food? Is it possible to recycle those? The answer: yes! We even offer these kitchen recycling bins to businesses in need. Learn it now by reading this blog!

A Bit About Waster

Before we discuss our offered kitchen recycling bins, let me share with you more information about Waster.

We here at Waster provide you with innovative solutions for you and your business’s waste management and recycling needs. Furthermore, we provide flexible, 30-day contracts instead of the typical lock-in contracts, which proves to be better.

Click on the blue button to learn more.

READ: All In One Recycling Bin ♻️

Kitchen Recycling Bins Offered By Waster And TerraCycle!

Waster can provide small and medium businesses here in Australia TerraCycle’s Zero Waste Box program for kitchen separation (mainly your non-organics) waste. This involves acquiring a box and sending it off to TerraCycle.

Additionally, Waster will guide you through the process of shipping it to TerraCycle. It is a fairly easy process which you can accomplish without a hinge.

This kitchen recycling bin will allow you to recycle products deemed β€œunrecyclable” by standards. This will be discussed in the following section.

What Does β€œUnrecyclable” Mean?

Being β€œunrecyclable” does not necessarily mean that it is fully impossible to recycle the product presented. In this case, the reason why is because the product consists of different materials which makes it very difficult to recycle.

As a result, not a lot of recycling facilities accept these types of waste. With nowhere to go, the non-organic kitchen waste ends up in a landfill.

This can be avoided by getting a Zero Waste Box for kitchen separation waste offered by TerraCycle and Waster. We will discuss more details in the next section.

Businesses that produce a significant amount of non-organic kitchen waste need Zero Waste Box. This can include restaurants, cafes, or any food-producing businesses.

As our customers and readers alike already know, we offer a wide variety of TerraCycle β€œZero-Waste” recycling boxes that can fit your business’s needs. Recently, Waster has recently added more products available, which includes the kitchen separation Zero Waste Box. We will discuss below the easy process you need to do to ship them off to TerraCycle.

View the Kitchen Separation – Zero Waste Box highlighted here. Contact us now to purchase this kitchen recycling bin.

Kitchen Separation - Zero Waste Box

Kitchen Separation - Zero Waste Box

Shipping It To TerraCycle

Shipping off your all in one waste for recycling in a box or bin is fairly easy. Once you get the box from us, do this to properly ship it off to TerraCycle:

  • Pick the box size you want to purchase – either small or medium for your β€œkitchen separation” or non-organic kitchen waste.
  •  Only put the appropriate type of waste here. In this case, recycle any of the following: plastic and paper packaging, kitchen gear, baby gear, filters (air/water), home cleaning accessories, coffee and tea accessories, used gum, coffee discs, prescription drug containers, home fabrics and clothing, and e-waste. We will discuss more details with you through our statements below.  
  • After you filled it up with the appropriate items, you can then ship the box to TerraCycle. Use the pre-paid shipping label affixed to the TerraCycle box. Rest assured that your sent items are recycled properly and safely.

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Also, for you to ensure the proper recycling of your sent waste, remove all the excess or unnecessary products. Never let the purchased box get wet to prevent damage.

Not To Include

In this section, we will state the products you should not put in your kitchen recycling bin.

You should not include organics, broken glass, bio-medical waste, soiled diapers, expired medication, pesticides, paint, pressurized canisters, and medical sharps in any of our boxes.

Make sure to follow this so your waste will be recycled.

How Can TerraCycle Recycle The Waste?

How does TerraCycle recycle the non-organic kitchen waste that came from your kitchen recycling bin?

First, TerraCycle either manually or mechanically separates the waste into four categories: fabrics, metals, fibres, and plastics. They either reuse, upcycle, or recycle the fabrics. As for the metals, TerraCycle melts and recycles them.

Furthermore, the fibres are either recycled or composted. Finally, the plastics undergo extrusion and pelletization to be moulded into new recycled plastic products.

Watch our video to discover an effective recycling flowchart for cafes. Also, please consider subscribing to our Youtube channel.

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Kitchen Recycling Bins: Quick Recap

You can also recycle the non-organic kitchen waste just as much as the food waste. However, not a lot of recycling facilities accept such kind of waste.

This is where TerraCycle comes into play. Also provided by Waster, they can take in your non-organic kitchen waste and recycle it for you. Depending on the type of waste, they will either reuse, recycle, or compost it.

For Your Other Waste Management And Recycling Needs

If you’re looking for recycling bins, check our waste recycling shop and find the best deals in terms of pricing and services.

Also, please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837), or email us at [email protected] if you have any further questions.

commingled recycling cta

commingled recycling cta