Industry calls for 3TW Chinese wind power capacity to reach carbon neutrality by 2060

Energy Disrupter

Leading wind power developers and turbine manufacturers have called for China to reach 3,000GW of installed capacity as part of its drive to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

More than 400 companies signed the declaration at the China Wind Power 2020 conference in Beijing setting out a schedule for a steady acceleration of wind power capacity.

The so-called Beijing Declaration also calls for a science-based industrial development plan to reach carbon neutrality, incentives to boost green energy demand and increase international cooperation to facilitate freer trade and sharing of expertise.

It calls for average annual installations of 50GW in the next five-year period (2021-25), at least 60GW after 2025, to reach at least 800GW by 2030 and 3,000GW by 2060.

This build-out would grow China’s wind power fleet 13 times over, according to Windpower Intelligence, the research and data division of Windpower Monthly.

Strategy director at the Global Wind Energy Council Feng Xhao said: “With such an ambitious target, the goal included in the Paris Climate Change Agreement will certainly be reached if other major CO2 emitters follow the same direction.”

Chinese premier Xi Jinping last month told the UN General Assembly that the world’s top emitter plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

However, few details have emerged of what role wind power might play in meeting this target. 

Tsinghua University’s Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy suggested that wind and nuclear capacity might need to grow seven-fold and solar capacity about ten-fold by 2050.

Meanwhile, analysts at Wood Mackenzie suggested an 11-fold increase in wind, solar and storage capacities would be needed by 2050.

The country is due to unveil its 14th five-year plan – a regular, medium-term blueprint for national economic and social development – later this year.

Energy analysts said it was “almost certain” that investments in wind, solar and other renewables would feature in this document.

China currently has 222GW of operational wind power capacity (onshore  and offshore), according to Windpower Intelligence.