Vermont offers incentives for switch to advanced wood heating
Energy Disrupter
The Vermont Department of Public Service announced Aug. 12 it is offering home and business owners within the state additional cash incentives through its Clean Energy Development Fund to switch from coal to advanced wood heating.
Homeowners that change out a coal stove or boiler with an eligible pellet stove or central wood heating system can receive up to 50 percent, as an incentive from the CEDF, including disposal costs for oil coal systems. The new cash incentive is being offered in addition to the existing $3,000 available from the CEDF for a pellet boiler or furnace. The total CEDF incentive is capped at $10,000. The Department of Public Service noted new pellet heating systems are also eligible for incentives and financing through Efficiency Vermont.
Business owners can receive up to $30,000 to support a coal heating system change out.
To qualify for the additional incentives, the existing coal heater must be installed and functional. As part of the change out, the coal heater being removed must be destroyed or recycled. According to the Department of Public Service, the new advanced wood heating systems installed must be eligible for the CEDF pellet boiler/furnace incentive. Alternatively, if a wood stove is used, it must be a Step Two EPA certified appliance with an emissions rating of less than 2.0 GPH and an EPA rating of more than 70 percent efficient as measured by the higher heating value.
A maximum of $300,000 in funds is available to support the program. The Department of Public Service said the program will operate on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds are spent or June 12, 2021, whichever comes first.
Additional information is available on the Vermont Department of Public Service website.