Largest diameter offshore jacket cuts ever completed
Energy Disrupter
CUT UK completed the cutting of all scopes on the Shell UK Brent Alpha jacket, including world record cuts of the three 288” (7.3m) diameter platform legs.
These are the largest diameter offshore jacket cuts ever completed.
Heerema said: “The Brent Alpha jacket removal presented novel challenges for Heerema, resulting in unique solutions. During the project, Heerema cut jacket legs at 7.3m diameter using a 288” Diamond Wire Cutting Tool developed alongside CUT UK, especially for the Brent Alpha jacket removal – the largest leg diameter to have been cut this way.”
CUT completed over 50 cuts utilising our 288”, 120”, 74”, 64”, 50”, 36” and 18” diamond wire cutting machines on legs, braces and conductors.
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