Vestas hits 100GW of wind turbines under service
Energy Disrupter

Vestas has become the first wind turbine manufacturer to build a service portfolio of more than 100GW, the Danish firm has claimed.
While the turbine supplier has increased its own installed capacity to 115GW in 81 countries, Vestas has grown its service division into a “highly profitable business with an even more promising outlook”, it stated.
Its 100GW service portfolio also includes about 8GW of rival manufacturers’ turbines, the manufacturer told Windpower Monthly.
However, it has not provided a geographical breakdown of the more-than-47,000 turbines it services, or confirmed how much under-service capacity is from heritage acquisitions.
Vestas added that it is able to analyse wind resource and turbine performance data from its 100GW servicing portfolio and learn how to optimise wind power production.
More than 140 times a day, 27,000 under-service turbines send performance data to Vestas’ performance and diagnostics centre, executive vice president of the company’s service unit, Christian Venderby explained.
These are used for service and maintenance of turbines and systems as well as advanced digital analytics applications through its US-based subsidiary, Utopus Insights.
Venderby added: “Using big data, analytics and digital tools enables us to create effective service solutions that optimise our customers’ business cases and make wind power a reliable part of the global energy mix.
“Service of wind turbines plays a crucial role in the global energy system and scale will continue to be critical to ensure the right value proposition for customers as the market moves toward merchant conditions and the focus on life cycle cost of wind power increases.”