[Article] Winter 2019 Contributors

Energy Disrupter

Winter 2019
A version of this article appears in the Winter 2019 issue of Home Energy Magazine.


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Duane Jonlin

“Build Your Own Code”

Duane says he hopes readers can “build on experiences out in the code-writing and enforcement space, and just pole vault past a lot of the learning curve.”

A turning point in Duane’s career was when “about eight years ago, a friend called me up about this energy advisor position at the city and said, ‘Duane, is it gonna kill you to just apply?’”

Duane Jonlin

Readers probably don’t know that Duane plays tuba in a few community groups and is a regular at the local yoga studio.

Bob Krell

Bob Krell

“A New Chapter Begins”

Bob introduces himself as the new publisher, and gives readers insight into the magazine’s new direction.

Bob’s career took a turn while he was supporting touring bands as a roadie and also doing home performance work, “The promotional video work I was doing for the bands became handy for the home performance contracting, and I got into publishing. It’s like a morph of my two paths.”

Readers may not know that while Bob may appear to be a ham, whether it’s karaoke or the classroom, “I’m not nearly as self-assured as I seem.”

Andreas Benzing

Andreas Benzing

“Climate House: Passive House as an Opportunity”

Andreas hopes to showcase the features and benefits of high-performance building design. “The Passive House concept is such a great research and development tool for architects it would be crazy not to use it.”

His career game changer began in 2006. “The housing crash caused me to rethink my approach to design, and my first Passive House redefined how I think about buildings. For me, energy efficiency is a work ethic, and reduction of my carbon footprint a personal goal.”

Readers may not know that “This year I became a ‘Climatarian,’ reducing my carbon production, consuming more of a vegetable-based diet, eating fewer methane-producing meats, and riding my bike to work.”

Leslie Jackson

Leslie Jackson

“How to Future-Proof a Museum Collection”

Sara hopes that readers come away knowing that “a lot of the work we do encourages reaching across disciplines addressing people’s needs by blending resources. There is no need to recreate the wheel for each of the more than 100 energy efficiency programs nationwide.”

When the Clean Power Plan rule came about, “people from various specialties, like state air regulators and state utility regulators, were sitting down for the first time, saying, ‘’Maybe I need to understand better what it is you do!’ And we [ACEEE] were really involved in that; that was a very exciting time. Having those conversations—that was a game changer!”

You may not know that Sara is “a single mom to two young wonderful children and veteran of the U.S. Army Reserves, where I was a helicopter mechanic.”

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